Reuse - Repair - Recycle

Buckinghamshire Library Of Things

What is I’d Like To Borrow (ILTB)?

It’s a tool and equipment borrowing scheme open to all Buckinghamshire residents, which aims to:

  • Strengthen community resources
  • Encourage collaborative consumption and peer-to-peer borrowing
  • Ensures that everyone has access to the tools they need to be able to carry out household maintenance and household improvement projects without having to rely on expensive tool hire or purchasing pricy tools
  • Reduce carbon emissions and resource consumption
  • Reduce waste at landfill sites

Where is the scheme based?

ILTB is based at Bucks Railway Centre – tools are stored in a secure container – but the scheme is open to anyone who resides in Buckinghamshire. We hope to have several collection points in time. Currently borrowers can contact us to request tools and we will provide access at the site, or offer to deliver tools for a small delivery charge.


How can you use the service?

Once you register with us, we will send you a link to our Sharebee account so that you can browse and book available ‘things’. Items can be collected or delivered and then returned after use. You will need to create an account with us so that we can keep track of our items.

How can you help?

The project is currently underway and in it’s infancy. We need volunteers, trustees, handy people, donations, and input from the local community in order to make the project work.
If you would like to be involved with the project please get in touch – we’d love to welcome you on board and it would be an excellent way to get involved in a positive community project.

Donate your things

We will always accept good quality new or second-hand items if there is space within out container. Contact us if you would like to donate your things.

Donate your time

We are on the look out for volunteers to help with this scheme. If you have ANY time spare, no matter how limited or remote, please get in touch.

Donate money to the scheme

We are always grateful for monetary donations as we have ongoing costs (storage, petrol, etc.) and very limited funding.

Donate your skills

Are you a handy person of any kind? Would you be interested in helping us fix things for the scheme? We want to set up a local repair cafe, so please get in touch

Our impact on the local community to date:

Items to borrow
Items saved from landfill
Borrowers signed up to the scheme
£ 0
Working with:

Looking to donate your unwanted items to the community? We accept most good quality occasional use items so please get in touch.

Please consider donating financially to our community project to ensure we can make it sustainable

Fancy getting involved? We always love welcoming new volunteers and have a variety of technical and non-technical roles.

If you would like to become a general volunteer or get involved in running the service email us directly:

If you would like to become a skilled volunteer/ handy person and get involved in running the Quainton repair cafe:

If you have a knack for fixing bikes and would like to occasionally provide your skills for the I’d Like A Bike scheme: